Monday, December 14, 2015

ArcGIS: Generate Raster Longitude and Latitude




- Convert a raster of the study area to point.
打开ArcToolBox,Conversion--From Raster--Raster to Point,处理结果返回points.shp。
- Create two fields (floating or double) to store x and y.
右键points,Open Attribute Table,在属性表中添加2个域,分别列出经度、纬度,如Fig. 1。
Fig. 1
- Calculate geometry (longitude for x, latitude for y)
在属性名称上右键选择Calculate Geometry ...,经度对应x,纬度对应y,注意单位选择Decimal Degrees,如Fig. 2,计算结果将会存储在属性表中。
Fig. 2
- Convert to raster using x field (longitude raster)
打开ArcToolBox,Conversion--To Raster--Point to Raster,参数配置如Fig.3,像元参数设置与mask.tif一致。
Fig. 3
输出纬度矩阵与mask.tif空间信息完全一致,如Fig. 4。
Fig. 4


[2] Specifying the precision and scale allows you to restrict the range of values and number formats a field can accept, giving you greater control. For example, if you specify a float with a precision of 4 and a scale of 2, the field will accept 12.34. If you try to enter 12.345 into the field, an error message would display, as this exceeds the maximum number of digits and decimal places allowed. On the other hand, if you specify a float with a precision of 5 and a scale of 3, the field would let you enter 12.345.

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