Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Matlab: Install an Add-On Manually


如果在安装第三方插件时,Matlab出现Fig. 1的情况,说明此时已经不能在该窗口下完成安装过程,可以尝试手动模式安装。
Fig. 1
You can install some add-ons manually. This is helpful if the add-on is not available for installation through the Add-On Explorer. For example, you could create a custom add-on yourself or receive one from someone else.
To install the add-on manually, double click the add-on installation file in the MATLAB Current Folder browser. An installer launches to guide you through the installation process.
Valid installation files include .mltbx files (toolboxes), .mlappinstall files (apps), and .mlpkginstall files (hardware support packages).
以安装MinGW-w64 C/C++ Compiler为例,在网上下载别人已经准备好的文件mingw.mlpkginstall,并放置在当前目录下面,双击该文件开始运行,基本按照提示安装即可,安装过程需要登录用户名(密码),在MathWorks简单注册一个即可,Fig. 2是过程之一,MinGW-w64 compiler 4.9.2安装结束显示Fig. 3。
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
测试MinGW-w64 compiler 4.9.2是否安装成功,在Command Window输入mex –setup返回如Fig. 4所示即表示安装与M兼容的MinGW-w64 compiler 4.9.2成功了。
Fig. 4



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